Drumthwacket offers a stepping stone into the history of New Jersey and the United States.
Besides school field trips to Drumthwacket, the Foundation offers:
- Drumthwacket’s Sustainability plan to model sustainable and resilient landscapes and harmonize with the goals of public engagement, education and historical preservation.
- The New Jersey Student Climate Change Challenge competition in which grade 6 to 12 students identify and complete a school or community project to address a cause or impact of climate change. Grants are awarded to winning schools to advance their climate education initiatives.
- Drumthwacket’s Eureka! Module provides resources and guidance to further student learning of Social Studies, Science, Technology, English Language Arts and Math.
- A companion Eureka! Student Site reinforces learning with educational games, puzzles and an interactive New Jersey map highlighting cities associated with each inventor or invention featured in the Eureka! module.
The Foundation often receives thank you letters and drawings from appreciative teachers and students regarding Drumthwacket’s educational programs.